
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Adventures WITH Ralph S. Mouse


There's a mouse in my car. Now, I have been aware for quite some time that a mouse hangs out in there. I have taken great measures to eliminate this problem (i.e., no food in car). Still, I would see occasional droppings, but today dear Ralphie and I got a bit more personal...too personal for my liking. I actually saw him WHILE I was driving to work!!!!

What does one do at that point? Obviously it freaked me out. It was running back and forth on the floor on the passenger's side. Every time I saw him I would scream. Then I thought; what if it comes on my side so I spent the rest of my drive with my feet in the air. Two of my co-workers scrounged up mouse traps and peanut butter but by the day's end we hadn't caught him.

This brings me to my next point: if Ralphie has found his way into my car he can surely find his way out, so how am I ever going to have the peace of mind that he is in fact gone???? And, what about tonight's drive home? I could stay until dark. At least if I am driving in the dark there is a smaller chance of me actually spotting him. To make matters worse, Kyle is working second shift this week so he can't rescue me. The best plan I have come up with so far is to have Mr. Hammel take me home from school and drive Kyle's truck the rest of the week now that he has a work truck. This still doesn't resolve the fact that Ralph can get out any time he wants. The sooner, the better if I had it my way.

Lastly, why am I so scared of a little mouse??? What's the saying? It is more afraid of you than you are of it. To quote Mandi, "I'm not sure I believe that."

1 comment:

the drakes said...

LOL! Ben had one once in his little convertible... at a stop sign he got out and a woman in a huge SUV stopped to ask him if he needed help! Good luck getting him out!!!