
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Latest

I went to the doctor Monday and she set a birthday for the baby. If little Baby Jackson hasn't arrived by June 23rd, she will induce me that evening. The baby probably won't arrive until the 24th though, but you never know. He/she could still come on his/her own earlier. I am considered full term at this point though so really anytime is okay now. I continue to be monitored with nonstress tests on Mondays and both a nonstress test and ultrasound on Thursdays. If at any point the baby doesn't seem to be thriving, we would induce. It is hard to believe that we are so close to being parents! I would imagine that next Wed. is going to be a LONG day- and most likely an even longer night. The first of many!!!! Keep checking back for a birth announcement

Love, Kyle, Jill, and Baby


karilego said...

Hey JR! I am so happy for you, Kyle, and Baby Jackson! You look amazing and I am so jealous that you looked so great prego. I hope to make it out your way later this summer or early fall with Bellers. Give that little one a kiss from me when he/she arrives.
Love ya!

Unknown said...

Greetings from your old Allegan Neighbor. I'm gonna buy your mom a cane now. Wait....maybe I'll get her a walker with big orange flags and one that says Grandmaw Jane. Anyhow, nice work you two. Baby is a doll and I'm anxious to see him in person. Take care and congrats!!!

Mary Sue